Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Story That Will Make You Feel Better

This is part of an email that Adriaan's son MO has sent me last week.
Hope Mo forgives me for posting it, but this story has made many friends of Adriaan feel a bit better, so I'd like to share. Mo: I hope we all get to see that goddamnit picture!
Wouter :

In a message dated 3/27/2009, MO writes:

Adriaan had to get to the hospital for treatments. It was very awkward and funny at the same time. He needed to be carried out by the ambulance, because we couldnt take him down. His leg is numb so walking or standing is a risk. Especially the narrow and steep Amsterdam stairway. But back up was too difficult to do so they had to get the firedepartment to hoist him in through the window. He was yelling MAKE PHOTOS GODDAMNIT! So we did. Dont have the pics yet. But as the night looked. It looked very Crewdson like. A lot of people a lot of preparations. His work office needed to be cleared in certain sections so that was a bit scary. All those big piles. All in all it ended well around 11, he was back in his bed.

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