Sunday, August 30, 2009

THE BOOK: The Unforgettable Fire

25 years TORCH Gallery.

This wonderful book was presented on the opening at the Kunsthal Museum in Rotterdam.

192 pages of interviews, anecdotes, emails & pictures with Adriaan.
Ofcourse also many reproductions of most artists that Torch has shown
with new essays on the artists.
Adriaan would say "Een dikke boterham!"

Most we have to thank Margi Geerlinks who started this whole project and made this book.

The book is smartly designed by Marnix Dees & Theo Ruys.

You can order the book at the website from Artunlimited. Or e-mail Gino.

Designers of the book: Marnix & Theo

Margi Geerlinks did the impossible to pull this all off.

The Unforgettable Fire -Rotterdam- 29May2009 (part 5)

The amazing architecture of Rem Koolhaas

The Unforgettable Fire -Rotterdam- 29May2009 (part 4)

Margi and Mitsy

Susan A. Zadeh (EyeMazing Magazine)

The Rodgers and The Wilcovaks

Mo and 1/2 of PPOW,NY

Estelle and Terry Rodgers
In front of Anton Corbijn's portrait of Adriaan

The Unforgettable Fire -Rotterdam- 29May2009 (part 3)

The Exhibition

click the picture to see it big enough to read

Adriaan would have approved ;-)