Thursday, July 16, 2009

From Rodney Dickson

I met Adriaan in 1983 when he had his gallery called Kunst Handel Van Der Have.We immediately got on well and he showed some of my paintings in his gallery that year. It was his Christmas show and he had asked all of his artists to do a portrait of him. I worked with Adriaan for a while longer until I moved back to live in England and somehow over the years we lost touch with each other.Many years later, I met him again in the Armory Show, New York and immediately we recognized eachother.Adriaan was my first dealer and I have always had good memories of him.
Rodney Dickson, New York, 2009


Comment by Adriaanisalive:
It would be wonderful if we could see all those 1983 self portraits and portraits of Adriaan by all those artists.
Unfortunately Rodney does not have a picture of his 2 paintings, so he is sharing with us a painting he made in the same year.
I will keep this on my checklist and hope to get pictures from TorchGallery later on.
QUEEN by Rodney Dickson, 1983, acrylic on canvas, 4 feet x 2 feet
This painting was done in my Amsterdam studio and was one of those Adriaan liked. The two portraits in his collection are similar.