Monday, April 6, 2009

The Future of Torch

The Sanchez Bros call him Mo-Master, and rightfully so.
Sweet Mo has been thrown into this Torch Circus and found his heart.
Many of us believe he will do well continuing the Torch flame.
Here's a picture that Adriaan took of Mo with Mary Boone (Miami, 2007).
Soon she will beg to sit on HIS chair!



TINKEBELL. said...
I wish Mo all the best as "young blood" as he is called according to his business card. Actually I'm completely sure he'll do GREAT! But furst dear Mo, and ofcourse Mitsy,.. take care! have some moments for yourself. we're all there for you!! with looove..!
April 6, 2009 4:41 PM

terryrodgers said...
No doubt about it!! Probably she'll want to sit on his lap!
April 6, 2009 7:01 PM

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